Underground Storage Tanks and Home Ownership

Lake Norman Moves Real Estate Studies

Homeownership comes with its fair share of responsibilities and unexpected challenges. While many homeowners worry about leaky roofs or faulty wiring, there's a hidden danger that often goes unnoticed – underground storage tanks (USTs). These buried time bombs can pose serious risks to your health, property, and the environment. In this article, we'll explore the potential dangers of USTs and provide insights into how to remediate them to ensure a safe and secure home.

The Hidden Danger Beneath

Underground storage tanks are commonly used to store substances like heating oil, gasoline, or other hazardous materials. Many homes built before the 1980s may have these USTs buried in their yards, and over time, they can corrode, deteriorate, and leak harmful substances into the soil and groundwater.

Environmental Impact

One of the primary concerns associated with USTs is the environmental impact. Leaking tanks can contaminate the soil and groundwater with harmful chemicals, posing a threat to ecosystems and potentially affecting neighboring properties. The environmental damage can be long-lasting and costly to remediate.

Health Risks

Leaking USTs can also pose significant health risks to homeowners and their families. The chemicals stored in these tanks, such as benzene or toluene, can vaporize and enter the indoor air, leading to respiratory issues, headaches, and other health problems. Prolonged exposure to these contaminants may even result in more serious conditions.

Remediating Underground Storage Tanks

If you suspect or discover an underground storage tank on your property, taking prompt action is crucial. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to remediate USTs and ensure the safety of your home:

  1. Detection and Assessment

    Start by hiring a professional environmental consultant to conduct a thorough assessment of your property. They will use specialized equipment to detect any USTs and assess the extent of the contamination. Early detection is key to preventing further damage.

  2. Legal Requirements

    Check local regulations and laws regarding USTs, as there may be specific requirements for reporting and remediation. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines and legal consequences.

  3. Professional Cleanup

    Remediating a UST is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Enlist the services of a licensed environmental remediation contractor to safely remove the tank and clean up any contaminated soil. They will follow industry best practices and adhere to environmental regulations.

  4. Soil and Water Testing

    After the tank removal, conduct thorough soil and water testing to ensure that all contaminants have been successfully removed. This step is crucial for verifying that the remediation process was effective and that your property is safe.

  5. Legal Closure and Documentation

    Once the remediation is complete, obtain the necessary documentation to prove that your property is in compliance with local regulations. This documentation may be required for future real estate transactions or insurance purposes.

Preventive Measures

To avoid the headaches associated with USTs, consider these preventive measures:

  1. Regular Inspections

    If you suspect your property may have an underground storage tank, or you know that you have one, schedule regular inspections by professionals to catch any issues before they escalate.

  2. Tank Decommissioning

    If you're no longer using a UST, consider decommissioning it properly. This involves removing any remaining substances, cleaning the tank, and filling it with an inert material to prevent future leaks.

Owning a home requires vigilance and a proactive approach to potential risks. Underground storage tanks may be out of sight, but they should never be out of mind. By understanding the dangers associated with USTs and taking swift action to remediate any issues, homeowners can ensure the safety of their families, protect the environment, and maintain the value of their properties. Don't let the hidden danger beneath your feet compromise the safety and well-being of your home – take the necessary steps to unearth and address the risks of underground storage tanks.

After years in advertising and marketing, living and working for companies in Georgia, North Carolina, and China, I decided to acquire my real estate license so I can use my established marketing and communications skills to help others and work for myself.

For many people, buying and/or selling their home is one of the most important and most stressful times of their lives. Having an advocate and an agent who has experienced years of corporate marketing, managing teams through challenging projects with tight deadlines, and negotiating complex deals - will aid in the home buying or selling process.

If you or anyone you know is interested in real estate investment, a personal real estate search, or property management, please reach out to me directly - I would love to provide my services to help find your goal property as soon as possible.

David “Bo” Hardegree, NC Real Estate Broker
Espin Realty
[email protected]